The formal start to 2024 was our AGM which took place in Angouleme at the Hotel St Gelais on April 5th. Since many members in the south of our region had a significant drive to their destination the day started with a leisurely lunch in the old town at the La Cour restaurant. As is often the case the lunch ran on past the formal start time of the AGM but….never mind, it was a great lunch.

The AGM was well attended and all our business was completed in good time for a brief rest before the evening meal, The St Gelais hotel was an old priory in previous times but is now a boutique hotel with large spacious rooms, well worth a visit if you are visiting Angouleme. A few of us stayed the night and visited the hotels restaurant, L’Epicurieux for a superb meal and of course the opportunity to catch up with our far flung friends many of whom we have not seen since the last events of 2023.

Our events for 2024 are organised and the next outing is to Villeneuve sur Lot in late April for a well planned, three day road trip. Please view the JECSOF/A website for more information.